Encouragement Inc. & Children's Homes
Jesus Film Teams
Encouragement Inc. has been operating Jesus Film Teams in Kenya for more than twelve years. We go into the rural and poverty areas of the Western Province where many times "The Jesus Film" or "The Passion of the Christ" films have not been shown. With our program we like to show the film in "neutral" places rather than in church buildings or on church properties. This makes it easier to attract watchers who may not be wanting to go to any certain church.
Prior to going into these areas to show the film, our team leaders meet with area Pastors and Church Leaders to go over our policy for showing the film. Participating Pastors are given instruction on how to provide Prayer Counselors and all Participating Pastors are given sample copies and access to FREE follow-up material for a "12 week Firm Foundation" class. At the conclusion of the film showing the various participating pastors are introduced to the audience to give the times and locations of their church services.
Our experience when showing this film in the rural areas is that it will attract an average of around 500 viewers. One half of these audiences pray to receive Christ at the conclusion. The respondents are given an "Are You Sure?" tract with the plan of salvation in their native Swahili language. Each team shows the film at least five times each month. As of Dec. 10, 2024 there have been 1,254,292 people who have seen the films with 576,886 praying to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. We give God all the praise for every soul saved. We also want to thank those who contribute to the Jesus Film Teams for fuel to take the gospel to needy people in Western Kenya.
The Jesus Film and The Passion of the Christ films are the most effective evangelistic outreach tool I have witnessed in the 35 years of pastoring churches and doing missionary work in Africa since 2000.
Having been a pastor and always looking for "effective" missionary endeavors to direct our missionary funds to, I would have jumped at the chance to have my church "sponsoring" a team under these guidelines.
Your donation of any size will go to help send out our four JFT Teams. 100% of these JFT funds will be sent/spent to provide fuel & transportation for these Jesus Film Teams to conduct the film showings. Click the "Donate Now" button and select "Jesus Film Teams." Thanks so very much for you gift.
Together we are building the Kingdom of God together, one soul at a time!
Vic Rader, Founder/President